From American National Biography, Vol. 2, Oxford University Press, 1999, 639-641
Gustav Bergmann (4 May 1906-21 Apr. 1987), philosopher and mathematician, was born in Vienna, Austria, the son of Fritz Bergmann, an import/export merchant, and Therese Pollack. Before Bergmann took a Ph.D. in mathematics with a minor in philosophy in 1928 at the University of Vienna, he had already been invited to join the famous Vienna Circle. This group of philosophers, scientists, and mathematicians had adopted what they called logical positivism (or sometimes logical empiricism): advocating a scientific world view, they rejected traditional metaphysics and religion as meaningless and regarded ethical and aesthetic statements as only expressions of attitudes. As one of the youngest members of the Circle along with his Gymnasium classmate, the mathematical logician Kurt Gödel, Bergmann was especially influenced by the philosophers Moritz Schlick, Friedrich Waismann, and Rudolf Carnap who were members of the Circle.
In 1929-1930 Bergmann taught mathematics at the Neubau-Realschule in Vienna and the following year joined his dissertation director, Walther Mayer, in assisting German physicist Albert Einstein in his work in Berlin. Discouraged by the prospects for Jews in academia, Bergmann took a J.D. from the University of Vienna in 1935 and began work as a junior in a firm of corporation lawyers. With financial assistance from Circle member Otto Neurath, Bergmann moved to the United States in the fall of 1938 with his first wife, Anna Golwig, whom he had married in 1927 and with whom he had his only child. On the boat trip across the Atlantic, Bergmann wrote, at Neurath's request, a monograph on the Vienna Circle, published as "Erinnerungen an den Wiener Kreis: Brief an Otto Neurath," in Vertriebene Vernunft II: Emigration und Exil Ӧsterreichischer Wissenschaft (1987) and in English translation as "Memories of the Vienna Circle: Letter to Otto Neurath (1938),” in Scientific Philosophy: Origins and Developments (I993), both edited by F. Stadler (Bergmann insisted that this document be published only after his death). During this voyage he and the novelist Hermann Broch became close friends by nightly reading of their works-in-progress to each other.
After working in New York as an actuary for a few months, Bergmann was able, with a letter of recommendation from Einstein and the assistance of Circle member Herbert Feigl, who had left Vienna for the University of Iowa in the early 1930s, to obtain an appointment at Iowa, where he was to remain for the rest of his career. Bergmann began in 1939 as assistant to the psychologist Kurt Lewin in the Iowa Child Welfare Research Station. In 1940 Bergmann received a faculty appointment as assistant professor in Iowa's Department of Philosophy, and in 1943 he was given an additional appointment in the Department of Psychology. In that same year Bergmann divorced his first wife, who had been institutionalized shortly after their arrival in America, and married Leola Nelson, a scholar of American studies, and a printmaker. In 1944 he became an American citizen.
With the exception of a short piece on literary theory, Bergmann's publications before his emigration were all in the field of mathematics and mainly on his specialty of topology. His reputation in philosophy was established in the 1940s and early 1950s with numerous papers in the philosophy of psychology and the philosophy of physics, and in logic and probability--an aspect of Bergmann's work that culminated in his Philosophy of Science (1957). In this area of philosophy Bergmann's ideas were, and remained, largely those of orthodox logical positivism. During these early years at Iowa Bergmann also established an association with the psychologist Kenneth Spence, a student of Clark Hull. (Bergmann had spent two months with Hull at Yale in the summer of 1939.) This association, which resulted in several important papers in the journals Philosophy of Science and Psychological Review, proved to be the most productive of the many associations across the country that constituted an important part of the intellectual culture of the time--the alliance between logical positivism in philosophy and behaviorism in psychology. Bergmann was named full professor of philosophy and psychology in 1950.
By the late 1940s, Bergmann had begun what was to become his most important work--studies in metaphysics, philosophy of logic, and philosophy of mind. A collection of papers published as The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism in 1954 resulted in his intellectual, and in a few cases personal, estrangement from other members of the Circle (most of whom had also settled in America); Bergmann insisted, contrary to positivist orthodoxy, that not only did some traditional metaphysics make sense if properly recast, but that logical positivism itself contained an implicit metaphysics.
In rejecting what he regarded as the narrow scientism of most of his colleagues in the logical positivist movement (which included many thinkers not in the Vienna Circle), Bergmann adopted the "ideal-language" method of doing philosophy. This method, of which Bergmann remains the best-known practitioner, calls for the reformulation in principle of all of the meaningful sentences of natural language into a certain kind of artificial language that allows a precision and independence from context unavailable in natural languages. In discoursing about this ideal language (a language never actually to be spoken and to be written only in fragments), the philosopher would be able clearly to formulate and, in principle, definitively to solve the traditional philosophical problems. Although the notion of an artificial language for the solution of philosophical problems originated with German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz, Bergmann's form of it derives from the work of two of the century's most important philosophers, Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein, who, with G. E. Moore, were the most important influences on him in the early years of his metaphysical thinking. From Moore he adopted the idea that certain beliefs of everyday life (that there is a world that exists independent of our minds, for example) are the ones from which philosophy begins. Russell's primary influence was in more technical matters having to do with metaphysics, logic, and the formal structure of the ideal language, while Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus of 1922, which contains numerous examples of the use of the ideal language method, was probably the single most important work for Bergmann at this time (although he eventually became the primary critic of its most important doctrine).
If in his early years Bergmann was "the most sophisticated and plausible of the positivists," as characterized by Robert Turnbull, in the 1950s Bergmann's work moved in directions that were to make him eventually, in the words of another eminent philosopher, Hector-Neri Casteñeda, "the major ontologist of recent decades." Ontology for Bergmann was the attempt to specify comprehensively what the categories of the simple constituents of reality are as discovered through direct experience of reality and dialectical reasoning about it. The simplest signs of the ideal language would stand for the simplest constituents of reality with the structure of reality thereby exposed in the structure of that language. Bergmann's collection of essays, Meaning and Existence (1959) dealt with these themes and was partly responsible for his invitation by the government of Sweden to lecture at the four Swedish universities during the academic year 1961-1962. By this time, too, partly by placing many of his students as faculty in departments of philosophy and psychology in leading universities of the United States, Bergmann had brought national status to a small philosophy department in a middle-sized Midwestern university.
A fundamental aspect of Bergmann's ontology was his insistence, contrary to Wittgenstein, that logic (including mathematics) is a part of reality itself and not "nothing," or just the way humans think. Papers on this theme and others were published under the title Logic and Reality in 1964. In philosophy of mind, by rejecting the materialism and phenomenalism of his positivist teachers, Bergmann insisted on dualism, or, as he preferred to call it, "realism," in arguing that mind and matter are each independently real and neither reducible to the other. His theory of the nature of the mind as consisting of mental acts that are intrinsically intentional, while original and profound, acknowledged the influence of the Austro-German tradition as represented by Franz Brentano, Alexius Meinong, Gottlob Frege, and Edmund Husserl. Bergmann treated these themes and others in Realism: A Critique of Brentano and Meinong (1967).
In 1967-1968 Bergmann served as president of the American Philosophical Association, Western (now Central) Division. In 1972, by being named Carver Professor, he was awarded the first named professorship in the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Iowa, and in 1974 he formally retired as Carver Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Psychology. For a few years he continued to teach at Iowa his famous "History and Systems of Psychology" course, through which he had transmitted his ideas in theoretical psychology to hundreds of philosophy and psychology graduate students over the years. The main product of Bergmann's postretirement work was his posthumous New Foundations of Ontology (1992). Chronic illness prevented him from accepting most of the requests for lectures elsewhere that continued to come his way. He died in Iowa City.
Bergmann's social values were roughly those of classical liberalism tempered by Freudian pessimism. (He was a strong believer in tile power of the unconscious and had undergone psychoanalysis himself during the Vienna years. Although he never met Sigmund Freud, he was acquainted with Freud's psychiatrist daughter, Anna Freud.) In the arts Bergmann had both devotion to and substantial knowledge of literature, painting, and music. But these matters played no direct role in his academic philosophy any more than did his extensive knowledge of European history, with the exception of the history of philosophy itself. His values were best expressed in print in a nontechnical but, for many of his readers, one of his most powerful papers, "Ideology" (Ethics 61 (1951): 205-18), in which he maintained that "the ideal of an ideology-free society is a consummation devoutly to be desired, if for no other reason than the humanity, the intelligence, and the courage it takes to bear life without the support of ideological illusion. To me such a world is the only one worth living in and therefore, if necessary, worth dying for." His attempt to live a life without the illusions of religion and ideology was manifest in his daily existence.
Bergmann had a strong personality that affected people in markedly different ways. While some perceived him as harsh in his judgments and brusque in his manner, for those who knew him well he was a man of great generosity--of time and of spirit. While he and his family had suffered great indignities because of their ethnic heritage, he always remained capable of judging a person on that person's individual characteristics, as was most strikingly evidenced by his willingness to befriend and to direct the dissertation of a (non-Jewish) German student who came to America soon after the war.
Bergmann's earlier work in the spirit of logical positivism made its way into anthologies and libraries, but his later work in ontology and philosophy of mind mark him as one of the most important philosophers in the analytic tradition of the second half of the twentieth century. This later work, while having sustained interest only for a small minority even within professional philosophy, received significant attention not only in the English-speaking and other northern European countries of the analytic tradition but also in the former Soviet Union, in Germany, in Spain, and especially in his beloved Italy, with his theory of the nature of consciousness and his use of the ideal language being probably the most important topics of lasting interest. He is widely recognized within professional philosophy as one of the few, from Plato to the present, who has pursued the fundamental ontological questions so deeply.
• A complete bibliography of Bergmann's published writings can be found with his papers on deposit in the archives of the Main Library of the University of Iowa. His famous "Ideology" was reprinted in his The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism (1954) and anthologized elsewhere. In addition to the six books mentioned in the text, Bergmann published about 125 articles, reviews, and discussion notes. With the exception of the early articles in German language mathematical journals, almost all of these are in professional English-language philosophical journals and anthologies; a few are in psychological journals and physics journals. There is an account of Bergmann's association with Kenneth Spence and Clark Hull in Laurence D. Smith, Behaviorism and Logical Positivism: A Reassessment of the Alliance (1986). The only study devoted to a comprehensive survey of Bergmann's philosophy is Laird Addis, "The Philosophy of Gustav Bergmann," Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 63 (1971): 78-98. Addis also provided an obituary in Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 61 (1987): 164-65.
Bibliography of the Writings of Gustav Bergmann
- Zur Axiomatik der Elementargeometrie. Weiner Akademie Der Wissenschaften, 26, (1928): 1-3.
- Über eine mit den Hypertorsen verwandte Flachenklasse. Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, 36, (1929): 259-268.
- Zur Axiomatik der Elementargeometrie. Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, 36, (1929): 269-284.
- Ebenen und Bewegungsgruppen in Riemannschen Räumen. Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker Vereiningung, 39, (1930): 54-55. (with E. Lukács)
- Ebenen und Bewegungsgruppen in Riemannschen Räumen. Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, 37, (1930): 303-324. (with E. Lukács)
- Zwei Bemerkungen zur abstracten und kombinatorischen Topologie. Monatshefte für Mathematik und Physik, 38, (1931): 245-256.
- Zur algebraisch-axiomatischen Begründung der Topologie. Mathematische Zeitschrift, 35, (1932): 502-511.
- Zur analytischen Theorie literarischer Wertmasstäbe. Imago, 21, (1935): 498-504.
- On Physicalistic Models of Non-Physical Terms. Philosophy of Science, 7, (1940): 151-158.
- On Some Methodological Problems of Psychology. Philosophy of Science, 7, (1940): 205-219.
- The Subject Matter of Psychology. Philosophy of Science, 7, (1940): 415-433.
- The Logic of Probability. American Journal of Physics, 9, (1941): 263-272.
- Operationism and Theory in Psychology. Psychological Review, 48, (1941): 1-14. (with K. Spence)
- An Empiricist Schema of the Psychophysical Problem. Philosophy of Science, 9, (1942): 72-91.
- Syntactical Analysis of the Class Calculus. Philosophy of Science, 9, (1942): 227-232.
- Remarks Concerning the Epistemology of Scientific Empiricism. Philosophy of Science, 9, (1942): 283-293.
- The Indexical and Presentative Function of Signs. Philosophy of Science, 9, (1942): 372-374.
- Notes on Identity. Philosophy of Science, 10, (1943): 163-166.
- Psychoanalysis and Experimental Psychology: A Review from the Standpoint of Scientific Empiricism. Mind, 52, (1943): 122-140.
- Outline of an Empiricist Philosophy of Physics. American Journal of Physics, 11, (1943): 248-258 and 335-342.
- The Logic of Psychophysical Measurement. Psychological Review, 51, (1944): 1-24. (with K. Spence)
- An Empiricist’s System of the Sciences. Scientific Monthly, 59, (1944): 140-148.
- Holism, Historicism, and Emergence. Philosophy of Science, 11, (1944): 209-221.
- Pure Semantics, Sentences, and Propositions. Mind, 53, (1944): 238-257.
- Notes on Identity. Philosophy of Science, 11, (1944): 123-124.
- The Formalism in Kelsen’s Pure Theory of Law. Ethics, 55, (1945): 110-130. (with L. Zerby)
- A Positivistic Metaphysics of Consciousness. Mind, 54, (1945): 193-226.
- Frequencies, Probabilities, and Positivism. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 6, (1945): 26-44.
- Review of Ebenstein’s The Pure Theory of Law. Ethics, 56, (1945): 71-72.
- Review of Ortega y Gasset’s The Mission of the University. Journal of American History (formerly Mississippi Valley Historical Review), 32, (1945): 266-267.
- Remarks on Realism. Philosophy of Science, 13, (1946): 261-273. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Some Comments on Carnap’s Logic of Induction. Philosophy of Science, 13, (1946): 71-78.
- Review of Cohen’s The Faith of a Liberal. Iowa Law Review, 32, (1946): 178-181.
- The Logic of Quanta. American Journal of Physics, 15, (1947): 397-408 and 497-508.
- Russell on Particulars. Philosophical Review, 56, (1947): 59-72. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Undefined Descriptive Predicates. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 8, (1947): 55-82.
- Sense Data, Linguistic Conventions, and Existence. Philosophy of Science, 14, (1947): 152-163. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Review of Kelsen’s General Theory of Law and State. Ethics, 57, (1947): 213-215.
- Conditions for an Extensional Elementaristic Language. Analysis, 8, (1948): 44-47. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Concerning Carnap’s Definition of “Extensional” and “Intensional”. Mind, 57, (1948): 494-495.
- Contextual Definitions in Nonextensional Languages. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 13, (1948): 140.
- Descriptions in Nonextensional Contexts. Philosophy of Science, 15, (1948): 353-355.
- Review of Köhler’s Gestalt Psychology. Psychological Bulletin, 45, (1948): 351-355.
- The Finite Representations of S5. Methodos, 1, (1949): 217-219.
- On Non-Perceptual Intuition. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 10, (1949): 263-264. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Professor Ayer’s Analysis of Knowing. Analysis, 9, (1949): 98-106. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- A Syntactical Characterization of S5. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 14, (1949): 173-174.
- Two Criteria for an Ideal Language. Philosophy of Science, 16, (1949): 71-74.
- Review of Russell’s Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits. Physics Today, 2, (1949): 27-28.
- Logical Positivism. A History of Philosophical Systems, edited by Vergilius Ferm, Philosophical Library, (1950): 471-482. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Semantics. A History of Philosophical Systems, edited by Vergilius Ferm, Philosophical Library, (1950): 483-492. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- A Study of Simple Learning Under Irrelevant Motivational-Reward Conditions. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 40, (1950): 539-551. (with K. Spence and R. Lippitt)
- A Note on Ontology. Philosophical Studies, 1, (1950): 89-92. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Review of Born’s Natural Philosophy of Cause and Chance. Philosophy of Science, 17, (1950): 196-199.
- Concerning the Definition of Classes. Mind, 60, (1951): 95-96.
- Ideology. Ethics, 61, (1951): 205-218. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- The Logic of Psychological Concepts. Philosophy of Science, 18, (1951): 92-110.
- Comments on Professor Hempel’s “The Concept of Cognitive Significance”. Daedalus (formerly Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences), 80, (1951): 78-86. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Logical Atomism, Elementarism, and the Analysis of Value. Philosophical Studies, 2, (1951): 85-92. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Comments on Storer’s Definition of “Soluble”. Analysis, 12, (1951): 44-48.
- Review of Schilpp’s (editor) Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist. Philosophical Review, 60, (1951): 269-274.
- Review of Kraft’s Der Weiner Kreis and Juhos’s Die Erkenntnis und Ihre Leistung. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 12, (1951): 139-143.
- Review of Lasswell’s and Kaplan’s Power and Society: A Framework for Political Inquiry. Ethics, 62, (1951): 64-65.
- Two Types of Linguistic Philosophy. The Review of Metaphysics, 5, (1952): 417-438. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- The Problem of Relations in Classical Psychology. Philosophical Quarterly, (1952): 140-152. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- A Criterion of Necessity. The Review of Metaphysics, 6, (1952): 128-129.
- Two Cornerstones of Empiricism. Synthese, 8, (1952): 435-452. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Multiplicative Closures. Portugaliae Mathematica, 11, (1952): 169-172.
- Review of Brunswick’s The Conceptual Framework of Psychology. Psychological Bulletin, 49, (1952): 654-656.
- Theoretical Psychology. Annual Review of Psychology, 4, (1953): 435-458.
- The Identity of Indiscernibles and the Formalist Definition of “Identity”. Mind, 62, (1953): 75-79. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Logical Positivism, Language, and the Reconstruction of Metaphysics. Revista Critica di Storia Della Filosofia, 8, (1953): 453-481. (also in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- Review of Wisdom’s Other Minds. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 14, (1953): 112-114.
- Particularity and the New Nominalism. Methodos, 6, (1954): 131-147. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Sense and Nonsense in Operationism. Scientific Monthly, 79, (1954): 210-214. (reprinted in The Validation of Scientific Theories, edited by P. Frank, The Beacon Press, (1957): 41-52)
- Some Remarks on the Ontology of Ockham. Philosophical Review, 63, (1954): 560-571. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Review of Goetz’s Die Entstehung der Ordnung. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 15, (1954): 287-288.
- Bodies, Minds, and Acts. (first published in The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, 1954)
- The Metaphysics of Logical Positivism, Longmans, Green and Co., (1954). (reprinted by The University of Wisconsin Press, 1967)
- Professor Quine on Analyticity. Mind, 64, (1955): 254-258. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Reduction. Current Trends in Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences, University of Pittsburgh Press, (1955): 59-81.
- Intentionality. Archivio di Filosofia, Semantica, (1955): 177-216. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Dispositional Properties and Dispositions. Philosophical Studies, 6, (1955): 77-80.
- Dell’ Ideologia. Occidente, 11, (1955): 519-535. (translation of “Ideology,” 1951)
- Review of Frenkel-Brunswik’s Psychoanalysis and the Unity of Science. Journal of Philosophy, 52, (1955): 692-695.
- Review of Nagel’s Sovereign Reason and Other Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 16, (1955): 128-130.
- Review of Stegmüller’s Metaphysik, Wissenschaft, Skepsis. Philosophical Review, 64, (1955): 655-667.
- The Contribution of John B. Watson. Psychological Review, 63, (1956): 265-276. (reprinted in Theories of the Mind, edited by J. Scher, The Free Press, (1962): 674-688)
- Russell’s Examination of Leibniz Examined. Philosophy of Science, 23, (1956): 175-203. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- The Representations of S5. Journal of Symbolic Logic, 21, (1956): 257-260.
- The Logic of Measurement. Proceedings of the Sixth Hydraulics Conference, State University of Iowa Publications, (1956): 19-33.
- Some Remarks on the Philosophy of Malebranche. The Review of Metaphysics, 10, (1956): 207-226. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Review of Blaha’s Logische Wirklichkeitsstruktur und Personaler Seinsgrund. Philosophical Review, 65, (1956): 265-267.
- Philosophy of Science. The University of Wisconsin Press, (1957). (reprinted by Greenwood Press, 1977)
- Concepts. Philosophical Studies, 8, (1957): 19-27; with Herbert Hochberg. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Elementarism. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 18, (1957): 107-114. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- The Revolt Against Logical Atomism. Philosophical Quarterly, 7, (1957): 323-339, and 8, (1958): 1-13. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Some Reflections on Time. Archivio di Filosofia, Il Tempo, (1958): 49-82. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Alcune Riflessioni sul Tempo. Archivio di Filosofia, Il Tempo, (1958): 83-113. (translation of “Some Reflections on Time,” 1958)
- Frege’s Hidden Nominalism. Philosophical Review, 67, (1958): 437-459. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Analyticity. Theoria, 24, (1958): 71-93. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Individuals. Philosophical Studies, 9, (1958): 78-85. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Sameness, Meaning, and Identity. International Congress of Philosophy: Proceedings, 4, (1958): 19-27. (also in Meaning and Existence, 1959)
- Il Contributo di John B. Watson. Rivista di Psicologia, 52, (1958): 311-325. (translation of “The Contribution of John B. Watson,” 1956)
- Review of Kaila’s Terminalkausalität in der Atomdynamik. Philosophical Review, 67, (1958): 424-426.
- Meaning and Existence. The University of Wisconsin Press, (1959).
- Ineffability, Ontology, and Method. Philosophical Review, 69, (1960): 18-40. (also in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- Duration and the Specious Present. Philosophy of Science, 27, (1960): 39-47. (also in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- Acts. The Indian Journal of Philosophy, 2, (1960): 1-30 and 96-117. (also in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- Dell' Atto. Rivista di Filosofia, 51, (1960): 3-51. (translation of “Acts,” 1960)
- The Philosophical Significance of Modal Logic. Mind, 69, (1960): 466-485.
- Strawson's Ontology. Journal of Philosophy, 57, (1960): 601-622. (also in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- The Ontology of Edmund Husserl. Methodos, 12, (1960): 359-392. (also in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- Review of Korner’s (editor) Observation and Interpretation: A Symposium of Philosophers and Physicists. Philosophical Review, 69, (1960): 267-270.
- Physics and Ontology. Philosophy of Science, 28, (1961): 1-14. (also in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- La Gloria e la Miseria di Ludwig Wittgenstein. Rivista di Filosofia, 52, (1961): 387-406. (also as: The Glory and the Misery of Ludwig Wittgenstein, in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- Filosofia de La Ciencia. Editorial Tecnos (Madrid), 1961. (translation of Philosophy of Science, 1957)
- Generality and Existence. Theoria, 28, (1962): 1-26. (also in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- Meaning and Ontology. Inquiry, 5, (1962): 116-142. (also as two essays: (1) Meaning (2) Inclusion, Exemplification, and Inherence in G. E. Moore, in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- Purpose, Function, Scientific Explanation. Acta Sociologica, 5, (1962): 225-238.
- Alternative Ontologiche. Giornale Critico dell Filosofia Italiana, 17, (1963): 337-405. (also as: Ontological Alternatives, in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- Stenius on the Tractatus: A Special Review. Theoria, 29, (1963): 176-204. (also in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- Synthetic A Priori. (first published in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- Realistic Postscript. (first published in Logic and Reality, 1964)
- Logic and Reality. The University of Wisconsin Press, 1964.
- Realism: A Critique of Brentano and Meinong. The University of Wisconsin Press, 1967.
- Diversity. American Philosophical Association: Proceedings and Addresses, 41, (1968): 21-34.
- Some Comments on Professor Oaklander’s “Particulars, Positional Qualities, and Individuation.” Philosophy of Science, 44, (1977): 491-493.
- Esbozo de un Inventario Ontologico. Teorema, 8, (1978): 93-105. (translation of “Sketch of an Ontological Inventory,” 1979)
- Sketch of an Ontological Inventory. JBSP: The Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology, 10, (1979): 3-8.
- Notes on Ontology. Noûs, 15, (1981): 131-154.
- Notes on the Ontology of Minds. Midwest Studies in Philosophy, 6, (1981): 189-213.
- Erinnerungen an den Wiener Kreis: Brief an Otto Neurath. Vertriebene Vernunft II: Emigration und Exil Österreichischer Wissenschaft, edited by F. Stadler, Jugend und Volk, (1988): 171-180.
- New Foundations of Ontology. The University of Wisconsin Press, 1992. (edited by William Heald)
- Memories of the Vienna Circle: Letter to Otto Neurath: 1938. (translated and edited by William Heald and Guenter Zoeller) Scientific Philosophy: Origins and Developments, edited by F. Stadler, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1993): 193-208. (translation of the item of 1988)
- Collected Works, Vol. I: Selected Papers I. Dr. Hänsel-Hohenhausen, (2003). (edited by Erwin Tegtmeier)
- Collected Works, Vol. II: Selected Papers II. Ontos Verlag, (2003). (edited by Erwin Tegtmeier)
- Collected Works, Vol. III: Realism: A Critique of Brentano and Meinong. Ontos Verlag, (2004). (edited by Erwin Tegtmeier)
End text
This bibliography of the writings of Gustav Bergmann was compiled by me and is, to the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete except that it does not include all of the anthologizations of some of his essays.
Laird Addis