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Asha L. Bhandary
Associate Professor
Dr. Bhandary is a feminist political philosopher working primarily on questions related to care, autonomy, and the normative requirements of unjust world.

David Cunning
Professor and Collegiate Fellow
Professor Cunning’s research and teaching interests include the history of the mind-body problem, the methods of rationalism, free will and determinism, agency, empowerment, and the rhetoric of inquiry.

Jovana Davidovic
Associate Professor
Dr. Davidovic's research and teaching interests include social and political philosophy, applied ethics, philosophy of law, military ethics, AI and algorithm ethics and business and organizational ethics.

Mihailis Diamantis
Associate Professor of Law
Professor Diamantis's research interests in Law include white-collar crime, privacy, criminal law, corporate law, jurisprudence. His areas of interest in Philosophy involve philosophy action, experimental philosophy, moral psychology, ethics, and mind.

Carrie Figdor
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Dr. Figdor's primary research areas are philosophy of psychology and neuroscience, philosophy of science, philosophy of language, and metaphysics, plus neuroethics and media ethics. Her main research project is the theoretical integration of psychology with biology.

Richard Fumerton
F. Wendell Miller Professor
Professor Fumerton’s present teaching and research interests include epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of mind, and value theory.

Ali Hasan
Associate Professor
Department Chair
Professor Hasan has broad interests in philosophy, including epistemology (his primary area of research), ethics, philosophy of mind, history of modern philosophy, and philosophy of religion. Recently, he’s also been working on ethical and epistemological issues in AI.

Diane Jeske
Dr. Jeske's areas of specialization include ethical theory, the history of ethics, moral psychology and epistemology, political philosophy, and the philosophy of law. She also teaches critical reasoning and applied ethics.

Gregory Landini
Prof. Landini’s teaching and research interests include modal logic, the foundations of mathematics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and the history of analytic philosophy.

Katarina Perovic
Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies
Dr. Perovic's main research and teaching interests lie in metaphysics, philosophy of the self, philosophy of mind, and the history of analytic philosophy. She has published on metaphysics of properties and relations, philosophy of time, and Russell.

David G. Stern
Collegiate Fellow
Professor Stern’s research and teaching Interests include Wittgenstein, history of analytic philosophy, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, philosophy and computing, digital humanities.

Carrie E. Swanson
Associate Professor
Dr. Swanson’s area of specialization is Ancient Greek philosophy. Her current research investigates Ancient theories of refutation, syllogistic reasoning, and dialectic, especially in Plato and Aristotle.