Gregory Landini
Professor Landini has authored five books: Repairing Bertrand Russell’s 1913 Theory of Knowledge (Palgrave, 2021); Frege's Notations; what they are and how they mean (Palgrave/MacMillan 2012); Russell (Routledge, 2010), Wittgenstein’s Apprentice with Russell (Cambridge, 2007) and Russell's Hidden Substitutional Theory (Oxford, 1998). He has published many articles in the philosophy of logic and metaphysics. His teaching and research interests include modal logic, the foundations of mathematics, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and the history of analytic philosophy.
- Repairing Bertrand Russell’s 1913 Theory of Knowledge (Palgrave, 2021)
- Frege's Notations: What they are and how they mean, Palgrave-MacMillian, 2012.
- Russell, Routledge, 2010.
- Wittgenstein’s Apprenticeship With Russell, Cambridge University Press, 2007.
- Russell's Hidden Substitutional Theory, Oxford University Press, 1998.
- Russell’s Logical Atomism: A Centenary Reappraisal (with L. D. C. Elkind), Palgrave, 2018
Books in progress
- Principia Mathematica Redux
- Introduction to cpLogic and Logicism
- Graphic Russell Notebook
- Logic, Mind and Impredicativity
Articles (in progress)
- “Infinity in Principia Mathematica”
- “Gödel’s diagonal function doesn’t exist without Numbers”
- “Lewis’s Strict Implication as Entailment”
- “Time without Events”
- “Nicod to Russell 19 September 1923: ‘I have proved both Perm and Assoc by help of the other three’ ”
- “Frege’s Missing Axioms: Over-determining the True as a Logical Object”
- "Mathematical Logic as based on Russell’s Substitutional Theory of Simple Types”
- "Well-ordering in the Russell vs Newman Controversy”
- “Tractarian Logicism: Quantification, Numbers, and Mathematical Induction” “Fitch and Mary,” in eds. Williford, Frank and Borner, forthcoming.
- “Nicod to Russell 19 September 1923: ‘I have proved both Perm and Assoc by help of the other three’
- "Solving the Conjunction Problem of Russell’s Principles of Mathematics”
- “The Curious Calculi of Wittgenstein and Spencer Brown”
Articles (selected)
- “Tractarian Logicism: Quantification, Numbers, and Mathematical Induction,” Rev.Sym. Log (RSL) 2020
- “Solving the Conjunction Problem of Russell’s Principles of Mathematics,” JHAP 2020.
- “Whitehead—Russell: Profiles of one another,” in Gülberk Koҫ-Maclean, ed., 2020.
- “Principia Mathematica Redux”, in ed, Andrea Serini. The Origins and Varieties of Logicism, 2020.
- “Fitch and Mary,” Axiomanthes, 2019
- “Showing in Wittgenstein’s ab-Notation,” in Wuppuluri ed., Wittgensteinian (adj.): Looking at the World from the Viewpoint of Wittgenstein's Philosophy" (Switzerland: Springer Nature, 2019), pp. 193-226.
- “On the Curious Calculi of Wittgenstein and Spencer Brown,” JHAP, 2018
- “Truth, Predication and a family of Contingent Paradoxes” with F. Orilia, in J. of Philosophical Logic, 2018.
- “Russell’s Logic,” Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, (2018)
- “Well-ordering in the Russell versus Newman Controversy,” Russell. 37, 2018, pp. 288-306.
- “Frege’s Cardinal do Not Obey Hume’s Principle,” HPL forthcoming 2017
- “Logic as the Essence of Russell’s Philosophy,” in Russell Wahl (ed.), Bloomsbury Companion to Russell, 2017 forthcoming.
- “Meinong and Russell: Some Lessons on Quantification,” Austrian Philosophy Conference Proceedings at Univ. Texas at Arlington, 2017, forthcoming.
- “Substitution’s ‘Insolubilia’ Solved,” Bulletin of the BRS, spring 2016.
- “Whitehead Verus Russell," in ed. Soren Costreie ed., Early Analytic Philosophy: New Perspectives on the Tradition (Switzerland, Springer. 2015)., pp. 1-34.
- “Modus Ponens Denied: Whitehead’s 1911 Meltdown in Principia’s Volume 2,” Bulletin of the BRS, Spring 2015, pp. 15-21.
- “Whitehead’s (Badly) Emended Principia,” HPL, 37 (2015), pp. 114-169.
- “Types* and Russellian facts,” Acquaintance, Knowledge and Logic: New Essays on Bertrand Russell’s The Problems of Philosophy, CSLI, 2015.
- “Russellian Facts about the Slingshot,” Axiomanthes, 2014.
- Methodological Cartensianism," in Bonino, Jesson, Cumpa eds., Defending Realism (Boston: De Gruyter, 2014), pp. 63-97.
- “On Russell's Metaphysics of Time,” in ed. Vincenzo Fano, Francesco Orillia, Giovanni Macchia, eds., Space and Time (ONTOS, de Gruyter, 2014)).
- “Russell on What There Isn't,” in ed., Fausto Fraisopi, Ontologie: Storia e prospettive della domanda sull’ente (Milan-Udine: Mimesis, 2013), pp. 167-207.
- “Russell’s Other Geniuses,” in Bulletin of the BRS, no. 148, Fall 2013, pp. 24-31.
- “Principia Mathematica: versus!" in ed. Griffin and B. Linsky, The Palgrave Centenary Companion to Principia Mathematica (New York: Palgrave-MacMillan, 2013): pp. 163-218.
- “Clark’s Paradox of Castañeda’s Guise Theory: A Brief Memoir,” in ed., Adriano Palma, (2013), pp. 93-126.
- “Typos of Principia Mathematica” HPL, 34, (2013), pp. 306-334.
- “Zermelo and Russell’s Paradox: Is There a Universal Set?” Philosophia Math, 21, (2013), pp.180-199.
- “Fictions are all in the mind," ed. Orilia, Analytic Philosophy of Fiction, Revue Internationale Philosophie, 2012, pp. 593-614.
- “Logicism and the Problem of Infinity: The Number of Numbers,” Philosophia Math., 19 (2011), 167-212.
- “Wittgenstein Reads Russell," in Oskari Kuusela, Marie McGinn, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, pp. 27-59.)
- “Original Intentionality and Impredicative Concepts,” Soochow Journal, 22, (2010), pp. 1-46.
- "Russell and the Ontological Argument," Russell 29 (2010), pp. 101-128.
- “Contology and the Paradoxes of Hyperintensionality,” Axiomathes 19 (2009), pp. 115-142.
- “Russell’s Schema; Not Priest Inclosure,” History and Philosophy of Logic 30 (2009): 109-139.
- "Yablo's Paradox and Russellian Propostions," Russell 28 (2008): 127-42.
- “Ontology as Sinnlos,” Denbridge Journal, Vol. 6: Analysis and Metaphysics (2007), pp. 160-194.
- "Logicism Without Peano 4," in The Soochow Journal of Philosophical Studies, 16 (2007), pp. 69-91.
- "Russell's Definite Descriptions De Re,” in ed., Nicholas Griffin, Russell vs Meinong: The Legacy of ‘On Denoting’, (New York: Routledge, 2008), pp. 265-296.
- “Frege's Cardinal Numbers As Concept-Correlates,"Erkenntnis 65 (2006), pp. 207-243.
- "The Ins and Outs of Frege's Way Out," Philosophia Mathematica, (January 2006), pp 1-25.
- “Quantification Theory in *8 of Principia Mathematica and the Empty Domain,” History and Philosophy of Logic, 25 (2005), pp. 47-59.
- “Wittgenstein’s Tractarian Apprenticeship,” Russell 23(2), (2004), pp. 101-130.
- “Logicism's ‘Insolubilia’ and Their Solution by Symbolic Logic” in ed., Godehard Link, Russell 2001: One Hundred Years of Russell’s Paradox (De Gruyter, 2004).
- “Russell’s Separation of Logical and Semantic Paradoxes and Its Significance for Logical Atomism,” Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 2003.
- “The Substitutional Theory,” in ed., Nicholas Griffin, Companion to Russell, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pp. 241-285.
- “Russell’s Definite Descriptions as a ‘Paradigm for Philosophy,’ ” in, ed., Dale Jacquette, A Companion to Philosophical Logic (Blackwell 2002), pp. 194-223.
- “Quantification Theory in *9 of Principia Mathematica,” History and Philosophy of Logic, 21 (2000): 57-78.
- “Russell's Intensional Logic of Propositions: A Resurrection of Logicism?” in (eds.) F. Orilia & W. Rapaport, Thought, Language and Reality -- Essays in Honor of Hector-Neri Castañeda , (Kluwer, 1998): 61-93.
- “‘On Denoting’ Against Denoting,” Russell, 18 (1998): 43-80.
- “Will the Real Principia Mathematica Please Stand Up? Reflections on the Formal Calculus of the 1910 Principia,” in eds., Ray Monk & Anthony Palmer, Bertrand.
- Russell and the Origins of Analytic Philosophy, The Thoemmes Press, 1996.
- “The Definability of the Set of Natural Numbers in the 1925 Principia Mathematica,” Journal of Philosophical Logic,” 25, (1996): 597-615.
- “Logic in Russell's Principles of Mathematics,” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 37 (1996): 554-584.
- “Decomposition and Analysis in Frege's Grundgesetze,” History and Philosophy of Logic, 17 (1996): 121-139.
- “Reconciling PM's Ramified Type-Theory with the Doctrine of the Unrestricted Variable of The Principles,” in (ed.), G. Wedeking & A. Irvine, Russell and Analytic Philosophy , (University of Toronto Press, 1993): 361-394.
- “Russell to Frege 24 May 1903: "I believe I have Discovered that Classes are Entirely Superfluous,” Russell 12, (winter 1992): pp. 160-185.
- “A New Interpretation of Russell's Multiple-Relation Theory of Judgment,” History and Philosophy of Logic 12 (1991): 37-69.
- “The Persistence of Counterexample: Re-examining the Debate Over Leibniz Law,” (co-author: Tom Foster), No f s 25 (1991): 43-61.
- “How to Russell Another Meinongian: An Early Russellian Account of Fictional Objects Versus Zalta's Abstract Objects,” Grazer Philosophische Studien 37 (1990): 93-122.
- “New Evidence Concerning Russell's Substitutional Theory of Classes,” Russell 9 (1989): 26-42. (Reprinted in Andrew Irvine ed., Bertrand Russell: Critical Assessments vol. 1, New York, Routledge, 1989, pp. 305-319).
- “Russell's Substitutional Theory of Classes and Relations,” History and Philosophy of Logic, 8 (1987): 171-200.
- “Putnam's Model-Theoretic Argument, Natural Realism, and the Standard Conception of Theories,” Philosophical Papers, 16 (1987): 209-223.
- “Philosophical Bibliography of Hector-Neri Castañeda,” in Hector-Neri Castañeda, James E. Tomberlin, ed., (Dordrecht, D. Reidel, 1986), pp. 395-434.
- “Salvaging ‘The F-er is F’: The Lesson of Clark's Paradox,” Philosophical Studies, 48 (1985): 129-136.
Book reviews
- Amie Thomasson, Easy Ontology (Oxford, 2015) Analysis 2016
- Eric Banks, The Realistic Empiricism of Mach, James, and Russell (Cambridge, 20014), HOPOS, 2016.
- Gregory, Moore, ed.., The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell (Routledge: 2014), History and Philosophy of Logic, 36 (2) 2015, pp. 162-194. Essay Review.
- Anssi Korhonen, Logic as Universal Science (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2013), Philosophical Quarterly,2013.
- Richard Heck, reading frege’s Grundgesetze (Oxford 2013), Essay Review, European J. of Philosophy, 2013. Essay Review
- David Bostock, Russell’s Logical Atomism (Oxford, 2012). Essay Review, Journal for the History of Analytic Philosophy, 2013. Essay Review
- Bernard Linsky, The Evolution of Principia Mathematica (Cambridge, 2011), Hist and Phil of Logic 34, 2013, pp. 79-97. Essay Review
- Michael Potter & Tom Ricketts, The Cambridge Companion to Frege, (Cambridge 2010), Philosophia Mathematica, forthcoming 2012. Essay Review
- Michael Potter, Wittgenstein’s Notes on Logic (Oxford 2009), The Philosophical Quarterly, 2010.
- Nino Cocchiarella, Formal Ontology and Conceptual Realism, (Springer, 2008), Axiomathes 2009.
- Henry Laycock, Words Without Objects (Oxford University Press 2006), History and Philosophy of Logic (2008).
- Pierre Joray, ed., Travaux de Logique: Contemporary Perspectives on Logicism and the Philosophy of Mathematics, (Neuchâtel: Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques, 2007), History and Philosophy of Logic (2007).
- Oswaldo Chateaubriand, Logical Forms: Volume I ( COLEÇÃO CLE 2001), Volume II (COLEÇÃO 2005), History and Philosophy of Logic (2007), pp. 88-94..
- Brian McGuinness, Approaches to Wittgenstein (Routledge, 2002), Russell 27, (2007).
- Erich H. Reck and Steve Awodey, Frege’s Lectures on Logic (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2004), Philosophia Mathematica (2005), pp. 225-227.
- Karel Lambert, Free Logic (Cambridge, 2003), History and Philosophy of Logic, 25 (2004), pp. 245-250.
- Michael Potter, Reason’s Nearest Kin: Philosophies of Mathematics from Kant to Carnap (Oxford,1999) History and Philosophy of Logic, 21 (2000), pp. 231-234.
- Michael Beaney, Frege Making Sense, (Duckworth, 1996), History and Philosophy of Logic, 20 (1999), pp. 65-66.
- Robert Moore, Logic and Representation, (Center for the Study of Language and Representation, Stanford, 1995), Minds and Machines, 7 (1997), pp. 122-125.
- Irving Anellis, Van Heijenoort: Logic and Its History in the Writings of Jean vanHeijenoort, (Modern Logic Publishing, Ames), History and Philosophy of Logic, 17, (1996): p. 98.
- Tom Burke, Dewey's New Logic: A Reply to Russell, (University of Chicago Press, 1994), History and Philosophy of Logic, 17 (1996): 88-92.
- Raymond Bradley, The Nature of All Being: A Study in Wittgenstein's Modal Atomism, (Oxford, Univ. Press.), Canadian Philosophical Reviews, 1993.
- Francisco Rodriguez-Consuegra, The Mathematical Philosophy of Bertrand Russell: Origins and Development, (Birkha"user, Berlin, 1991), Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 1993.
- C. Wade Savage & C. Anthony Anderson, eds., Rereading Russell, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1989), Nus, 27, (1993): 267-269.
- Hao Wang, Beyond Analytic Philosophy: Doing Justice to What We Know, (The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1986), The Review of Metaphysics, 1988, pp. 642-643.
Professional history
- Professor of Philosophy, University of Iowa, 2001-present
- Associate Professor 1992-2001; Assistant Professor, 1989-92.
- Ball State University, Assistant Professor 1985-89.
Committees and service
- Graduate Studies Committee, UI Philosophy
- Director of Graduate Studies, UI Philosophy (2013-2016)
Research areas
- 20th century analytic history of philosophy
- Logic and philosophy of science
- Philosophy of language
- Philosophy of mind