Katarina Perovic
Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies
Dr. Perovic's main research and teaching interests lie in metaphysics, philosophy of the self, philosophy of mind, and the history of analytic philosophy. She has published on metaphysics of properties and relations, philosophy of time, and Russell. Her current research focuses on philosophy of time, persistence of the self through memory, and meta-metaphysical issues concerning what makes for a genuine metaphysical problem as opposed to a pseudo-problem.
- Perovic, K. (in progress). On Pseudo-Problems of Metaphysics.
- Perovic, K. (2024). Ontological Categories: A Methodological Guide, Cambridge Elements Series. Cambridge University Press.
- Perovic, K. (2024). "Temporal Properties". In Fisher and Maurin ed. The Routledge Handbook of Properties.
- Perovic, K. (2023). "The Main Features of Whitehead's Early Temporal Ontology". British Journal of the History of Philosophy, 31/2: Special Issue on Time at the Turn of the Twentieth Century in American-British Philosophy, pp.274-294, ed. by Emily Thomas.
- Perovic, K. (2022). "Friendship and Personal Identity". In D. Jeske ed. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Friendship.
- Perovic, K. (2019). "Three Varieties of Growing Block Theory". Erkenntnis, pp. 1-23.
- Perovic, K. (2018)."What is a Fourdimensionalist to do about Temporally Extended Properties?". European Journal of Philosophy, 1-12.
- Perovic, K. (2018)."Can We Be Positive About Russell's Negative Facts?". In L.D.C. Elkind and G. Landini ed. The Philosophy of Logical Atomism: A Centenary Reappraisal, Palgrave Macmillan, 197-216.
- Perovic, K. (2017). "Bradley's Regress". Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Perovic, K. (2016). "Mapping The Understanding Complex in Russell’s Theory of Knowledge". Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 36 (2): 101-127.
- Perovic, K. (2016). “A Neo-Armstrongian Defense of States of Affairs: A Reply to Vallicella”. Metaphysica, 17 (2): 143-161.
- Perovic, K. (2016). "Bare Particulars Laid Bare". Acta Analytica. doi:10.1007/s12136-016-0308-x
- Perovic, K. (2015) “The Importance of Russell’s regress argument for Universals”. In B.Linsky and D.Wishon ed. Acquaintance, Knowledge and Logic: New Essays on Bertrand Russell’s The Problems of Philosophy, CSLI press.
- Perovic, K. (2014). “The Import of The Original Bradley’s Regress(es)”. Axiomathes 24 (3): 375-394.
- Perovic, K. (2021). "Metaphysics of States of Affairs, by Bo Meinertsen". Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
- Perovic, K. (2019). "The Genealogy of Universals: The Metaphysical Origins of Analytic Philosophy by Fraser MacBride". Analysis.
- Perovic, K. (2016). "The Logical Structure of Kinds, by Eric Funkhouser". Analysis. doi:10.1093/analys/anw063
- Perovic, K. (2012). “Review of John Collins’ The Unity of Linguistic Meaning”. Notre Dame Phiosophical Reviews.
Committees and service
- Graduate Studies Committee, UI Philosophy
- Advisory Board, Bertrand Russell Society
Research areas
- 20th century analytic history of philosophy
- Metaphysics
- Philosophy of language