James Duerlinger
Dr. Duerlinger is the author of Indian Buddhist Theories of Persons: Vasubandhu's "Refutation of the Theory of a Self" (2003), Plato's Sophist: A Translation with a Detailed Account of its Theses and Arguments (2005), and Refutation of the Self in Indian Buddhism: Candrakīrti on the Selflessness of Persons, Routledge, 2012. He has published articles on topics in ancient Greek philosophy, philosophy of religion, and Buddhist philosophy, which are also his current teaching and research interests.
- Refutation of the Self in Indian Buddhism: Candrakīrti on the Selflessness of Persons, Routledge, 2012
- Plato’s Sophist. 2nd edition, revised, “New Perspectives in Philosophical Scholarship,” Peter Lang Publishing, 2009
- Indian Buddhist Theories of Persons: Vasubandhu's "Refutation of the Theory of a Self," in the series, A Critical Studies in Buddhism, from RoutledgeCurzon Press, 2003. (Paperback edition, 2006)
- Plato’s Sophist: a Translation with a Detailed Account of its Theses and Arguments , in the series, “New Perspectives in Philosophical Scholarship: Texts and Issues,” Peter Lang Publishing, 2005.
- Editor, Ultimate Reality and Spiritual Discipline, in the series, "God" Paragon House Publishers, inc., paper and hardback, 1984
- “Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla on the Advaita Theory of a Self,” in Indian International Journal of Indian Studies, 2020, with Benita Metha
- “Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla on the Vātsīputrīya Theory of a Self,” in Indian International Journal of Indian Studies, 2018, with Siddharth Singh
- “Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla on the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika Theory of a Self,” in Indian International Journal of Indian Studies, 2016, with Siddharth Singh
- “Aristotle on God and the Human Intellect,” in International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, April 2015, approx. 25 pages.
- “Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla on the Jain Theory of a Self,” in Indian International Journal of Indian Studies, August 2015, with Siddharth Singh and Landon Elkind
- “Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla on the Sāṃkhya Theory of a Self,” in Indian International Journal of Indian Studies, October 2014, with Siddharth Singh and Emily Waddle
- “The Bodhisattva’s Way of Life,” in Crossing Borders: Essays on Dialogue and Spirituality, Darrol Bryant, ed. (Kitchener, Ontario: Pandora Press, 2012), approx. 20 pages.
- “A Commentary on Madhyamakāvatārabhāṣya VI 120,” in Aspects of Buddhist Studies, edited by L. Shravak, Buddhist World Press: Delhi, 2012, 10 pages.
- “Self-interest and Morality in Buddhist Ethics,” in Buddhism and Culture, (Project of History of Indian Science Philosophy and Culture, Delhi, 2012, 12 pages.
- “How Ancient Greek Philosophy can be made Relevant to Contemporary Life,” in The Journal of Philosophy of Life, March 2011, 12 pages
- “Candrakīrti’s Theory of Persons,” in The Indian International Journal of Indian Studies, June, 2010, 22 pages
- "The Pudgalavadin's Theory of Persons," The International Journal of Indian Studies, June 2010
- "Self-interest and Morality in Buddhist Ethics," in Buddhism and Culture, forthcoming
- "Vasubandhu on the theories of persons of the Pudgalavadins," translation with introduction, in Reading Buddhist Philosophy, published by Oxford University Press, 2009
- "Candrakirti on the Theories of Persons of the Sammitiyas and Aryasammitiyas," Philosopohy East and West, 58, 2008
- "Indian Buddhist Theories of Persons," in Handbook of Indian Psychology, Cambridge University Press, 2008
- “Vasubandhu,” inMacmillan Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2005.
- "Vasubandhu's Philosophical Critique of the Vātsiputriyas' Theory of Persons (III)," inJournal of Indian Philosophy, 28, 2000, 1-46
- "Vasubandhu's Philosophical Critique of the Vātsiputriyas' Theory of Persons (II)," in Journal of Indian Philosophy, 26, 1998, 573-605
- "Vasubandhu's Philosophical Critique of the Vātsiputriyas' Theory of Persons (I)," in Journal of Indian Philosophy, 25, 1997, 307-335
- "Vasubandhu's Theory of Persons and the Basic Problem of Self," in Indian Journal of Buddhist Studies, 5, 1993, 22-42
- "Reductionist and Nonreductionist Theories of Persons in Indian Buddhist Philosophy," Journal of Indian Philosophy, 21, 1993, 79-101 (reprinted in Essays in Indian Philosophy, ed. by Roy Perrett, Duckworth, 2000)
- "Religious Diversity and the Possibility of a Single Transcendent Reality," Dialogue and Alliance, 5, 1991, 18-30
- "A Translation of Vasubandhu's `Refutation of the Theory of Selfhood: A Resolution of Questions about Persons," Journal of Indian Philosophy, 17, 1989, 137-187
- "Vasubandhu's `Refutation of the Theory of Selfhood,'" Journal of Indian Philosophy, 17, 1989, 129-135
- "The Ontology of Plato's Sophist: the Solutions to the Problems of Falsehood, Non-Being, and Being," The Modern Schoolman, LXV, March, 1988, 170-184
- "The Ontology of Plato's Sophist: the Problems of Falsehood, Non-Being, and Being," The Modern Schoolman, LXV, March, 1988, 151-169
- "Ethics and the Divine Life in Plato's Philosophy," The Journal of Religious Ethics, 13, 1985, 312-331
- "Candrakirti's Denial of Self," in Philosophy East and West, 34, 1984, 261-272
- "Religion, its Disciplines, and their Relation to Ultimate Reality," in Ultimate Reality and Spiritual Discipline, 1984, 43-53
- "Unspoken Connections in the Design Argument, "Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 42, 1982, 519-529
- "Vasubandhu on the Vātsiputriyas' Analogy to Fire and Fuel," Philosophy East and West, 32, 1982, 151-158
- "The Verbal Dispute in Hume's Dialogues," Archiv Für Geschichte Der Philosophie, 53, 1971, 22-34
- "Predication and Inherence in Aristotle's Categories," Phronēsis, 15, 1970, 179-202
- "Syllogismosand Syllogidsesthaiin Aristotle's Organon," The American Journal of Philology, 90, 1969, 320-328
- "Drawing Conclusions from Aristotelian Syllogisms," Monist, 52, 1968, 229-236
- "Aristotle's Conception of the Syllogism," Mind, 77, 1968, 480-499
Professional history
- Professor, University of Iowa, 1988-Present
- Associate Professor, University of Iowa, 1971-1988
- Visiting Professor, Fresno State College, 1970-1971
- Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, 1966-1970
Honors and awards
- International Programs Summer Research Fellowship, 2014
- American Institute for Indian Studies Senior Fellowship in India, 2013-2014
- NEH Summer Fellowship, 2010
- Senior Scholar Fulbright Fellowship for Research in India, 2009
- AHI Summer Fellowship, 2006
- American Institute of Indian Studies senior fellowship, 2006
- Developmental Assignment Grant, University of Iowa, 2004
- Summer Fellowship, University of Iowa, 2003
- SPAH Grant, University of Iowa, 1999
- Developmental Assignment Grant, University of Iowa, 1999
- Developmental Assignment Grant, University of Iowa, 1992
- Senior Scholar Fulbright Fellowship for Research in India, 1992
- Old Gold Summer Fellowship, University of Iowa, 1988
- Developmental Assignment Grant, University of Iowa, 1986
- Developmental Assignment Grant, University of Iowa, 1981
- Developmental Assignment Grant, University of Iowa, 1976
- Grant from Council for Philosophical Studies, 1970
- Summer Faculty Grant, University of Wisconsin, 1970
- Summer Faculty Grant, University of Wisconsin, 1968
- Summer Faculty Grant, University of Wisconsin, 1967
- University Fellowship, University of Wisconsin, 1965
- Ford Fellowship, University of Wisconsin, 1964
Committees and service
- Chair of First-Year Seminar Committee, UI Philosophy
Research areas
- Ancient history of philosophy
- Philosophy of religion