Phillip D. Cummins

Professor Emeritus


  • Minds, Ideas, and Objects: Essays on the Theory of Representation in Modern Philosophy. Co-edited with Guenter Zoeller. North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy, Vol.2 Ridgeview Press, Atascadero, California, 1993. 


  • "Perceptual Relativity and Ideas in the Mind," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 24 1963-64, 202-214.
  • "Berkeley's Likeness Principle," Journal of the History of Philosophy, 4 1966, 63-69.
  • "Kant on Outer and Inner Intuition," Nous, 2 1968, 271-292.
  • "Hume's Disavowal of the Treatise," The Philosophical Review, 82 1973, 371-379.
  • "Reid's Realism,"
  • Journal of the History of Philosophy, 12 1974, 317-340.
  • "Berkeley's Ideas of Sense," Nous, 9 1974, 55-72.
  • "Reid on Abstract General Ideas," in Thomas Reid: Critical Interpretations, Barker and Beauchamp, editors, Philosophical Monographs, 1976, 62-76.
  • "Hylas' Parity Arguments," Berkeley: Critical and Interpretive Essays, Colin Turbayne, editor, University of Minnesota Press, 1982, 283-294.
  • "How Hume Read Berkeley: Hume's Account of Belief in an External World as a Variation on and Refutation of Berkeleian Immaterialism," Proceedings of the Heraclitean Society, Western Michigan University, 10 1985, pp.85-107.
  • "On the status of visuals in Berkeley's new theory of vision," in Essays on the Philosophy of George Berkeley, E. Sosa, editor, by D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1987, pp.165-194.
  • "Berkeley's Unstable Ontology," The Modern Schoolman, 67 (November-1989), 15-32.
  • "Bayle, Leibniz, Hume and Reid on Extension, Composites, and Simples," History of Philosophy Quarterly, 7 (1990), 299-315.
  • "Berkeley's Manifest Qualities Thesis", Journal of the History of Philosophy, 28 (1990), pp.385-401. Berkeley Prize Essay. Reprinted in Berkeley's Metaphysics, Structural, Interpretive, and Critical Essays, edited by Robert G. Muehlmann, Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, PA., 1995, pp.107-125.
  • "Hume on the Idea of Existence," Hume Studies, 17 1991, 61-82. Reprinted in David Hume: Critical Assessments, edited by Stanley Tweyman, Routledge, New York, 1995, vol. 3 (forthcoming).
  • "Hume as Dualist and Anti-Dualist," Hume Studies, 21 1995, 47-55 
  • "Hume on Qualities," Hume Studies, 22 1996 49-88. 
  • "Hume on Possible Objects and Impossible Ideas," in Logic and the Workings of the Mind: The Logic of Ideas and Faculty Psychology in Early Modern Philosophy. Volume 5 of the North American Kant Society Studies in Philosophy. Edited by Patricia A. Easton. Ridgeview Press, Atascadero, California, 1997. 

Professional history

  • Washington University--Saint Louis, 1961-1963
  • University of Iowa, 1963-1996
  • Visiting Professor: University of British Columbia (Summer, 1964)
  • Visiting Professor: State University of New York-Buffalo (Summer, 1967)
  • Visiting Professor: University of Illinois-Urbana (Spring and Summer, 1970)